Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Tongue and Cheek

Just this week David has discovered his tongue and he has discovered his voice. It's the cutest thing, he cooed before and made other noises but know he can control it and he loves to make O's and A's. He loves to blow raspberries and stick his tongue in and out of his mouth. I love it, he gets a huge smile on his face when he starts "talking" to us! We switched him to Similac formula last week and he hasn't tolerated it as well as the Enfamil. I am hoping he will adjust soon. David still sleeps thru the night in the crib :) David is a very happy baby, in the morning when I go to get him out of his crib, even if he has peed thru his diaper and pj's he gives me the biggest smile.
We took him to his 6 month appointment and here are his stats:
Height 27.25 inches 75%
Weigth 16 lbs 7.5 oz 25%
Head 16.4 inches 4%

Sunday, May 12, 2013

6 months old

Mom gets so busy and does not take the time to sit down and blog. So major picture overload on the last few posts but not a lot of info about you. So here goes. You had your first Easter, mom did not buy any one new outfits specifically for Easter and she did not take any pictures, what can I say Sundays are super hard. You started physical therapy on May 1st. Lacy your therapist showed us some exercises to work on at home to improve your Hypotonia. She also measured your head and it doesn't meet the requirements for a helmet but hopefully all these exercises will improve your strength so you won't be floppy head on the right side all the time. In early April I stopped breastfeeding. It was so hard with you because I only got six weeks off work and the going back to work and pumping just doesn't work very well. We were already using a lot fo formula so it wasn't a hard switch and it took a huge weight off mom after I stopped feeling guilty. On April 6 you rolled over from front to back for the first time. On the 15th of April you had your second therapy appointment and Lacy said you were already improving so much. On April 29 you sat up all by yourself and you can roll both ways. May 1 you started sleeping thru the night and as of today May 12 you still have been. On May 2 we decided to have you sleep in the big boys room in your crib for the first time. It was Heaven to not have you in mom and dads room and to have you sleeping thru the night. May 11 you had ice cream and rice cereal for the first time. Your six month appointment is coming up this week. You can sit by yourself, you can roll both ways, you sleep thru the night, you love to smile and laugh, you like to sleep on your belly, you don't like the swing so much anymore and you try to get out when you are put in it, you wear size one diapers, you are a happy happy baby. You are wearing three to six month size clothes, you love your brother, you only seem to fuss when you are hungry, tired or need a diaper change. You love to be outside. You are just a good little baby and mom loves you more than she can ever express.

Little Bushar

 Look at him sitting all by himself.
 I found this great idea on PInterest. I took a sheet and safety pinned it to the table and it made a hammock fror the boys. David loved it.
 I don't know what this is dad but I'm pretty sure I'm not allowed to eat it.
 Oh yea, this is the stuff. David loves playing with his toes. They are frequently up by his face.
 He fell asleep on the couch.
 Look at me mom sleeping in the crib in the big boy bedroom.
 Saturday May 11, 2013 first time trying vanilla ice cream. I think you liked it.
Saturday May 11, 2013 first time trying rice cereal, not liking it so much. You ending up spitting it all out.

More Instagram and the boys.

 A boy and his bear!
 I just love the little curl and his huge eyes!
 Well aren't you happy :)
 Look at me I can hold my own bottle.
 Mom didn't you know that the drawer is not for toys it's for two little boys!
Going on a walk.

I am so blessed to have these two wonderful boys be mine. They are so sweet (most of the time) and just as cute as can be!

Some pictures from Instagram

 Treyven loves to wrestle with David. We have to watch them close though, sometimes Treyven gets a little rough. I love that Treyven loves to play with his little brother. I am so glad that they are so close in age, I want them to be best buds.
I found matching shirts for the boys at Gymboree on the clearance rack. So of course I had to take pictures of them being all matchy matchy.

Just playing around.

 My little sleeper.
 Poor little fella is getting squished right out of the picture.
More brotherly love.

Random Pictures of David

 I love this picture. I have no idea what was going on when I snapped this one but I love it!!
 David actually looks content while Treyven is holding him.
 Stuffed duckies with ripped necks make great pillows :) I love how happy he is.
My little sleeper.


 Handsome Little guy dressed for Church one Sunday.
(not Easter)
 We took the boys to an Easter Egg hunt at the Vernon Worthen Park. They had it separated by age groups so the boys were together. Dad helped David find eggs and treats. This is before the hunt started.
 This was after the hunt. David ended up with half a plastic egg and two tootsie rolls. 
Great job little man.
After the hunt in town we drove to Pine Valley to the cabin for the Bushar family egg hunt and lunch. David scored big time at this hunt, candy and money :)