Saturday, December 29, 2012

8 Weeks

This week was exciting. David celebrated his first Christmas.  
Mostly he just laid there and watched everyone but thats ok.
 David's first present was this stuffed dog from Shadow.
David was spoiled. Toys, clothes, candy and the play mat. He almost looks like he is smiling in this picture. In David's stocking he got a tie that matched the ones dad and Treyven got in their stocking!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

7 weeks

 Treyven loves his little brother.
 Ready for church.
What a handsome little man!

On Monday mom went back to work. We have a new babysitter that comes to our house to watch the boys. Her name is Hettie. She is young but seems really nice and mom thinks she will be a good babysitter. David accompanied mom and dad to moms work party Monday evening. It was at Anasazi Steakhouse.When we left we all smelled like smoke. The last couple days you have been very fussy :( and moms not sure if your medicine is working. You still spit up a lot.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

6 Weeks

On Tuesday mom went and picked up a prescription to help with your spitting up. On Thursday it was dad's work Christmas party so Aunt Crystal came over to babysit. It was the first time that you were away from both mom and dad :(

Saturday, December 8, 2012

5 Weeks Old

On Tuesday the 4th you had an appointment with Dr. Walker. She wanted to check your weight again.
You weighed 6 lbs 13 oz, you are 20 3/4 inches long and your head is 14.2 inches. Dr. Walker was happy with your weight gain.
On Wednesday evening we went to Grandma & Grandpa Beasleys ward Christmas Party. Grandma Beasley took you around and showed you off to all her friends. Yesterday we went to our wards Christmas party and then we came up to the cabin for the rest of the weekend.
Moms little snuggle bunny.
This little guy is getting bigger all the time!

Monday, December 3, 2012

1 month old!

Mom's itty bitty baby boy!

On Sunday November 25 we drove to Enterprise and had dinner with Grandma and Grandpa Bushar. On the 27th I took you into the doctors office so they could check your weight. You weighed 6 lbs 7 oz. Almost up to your birth weight. On the 2nd we went to the cabin in Pine Valley for the Bushar family Christmas present. Mom or dad held you the whole time. Mom did not want you being passed around. While we were there after one feeding there was some blood in your spit up. Mom is going to ask the doctor about that. You caught dads cold. Today you turned one month old. Time seems to fly by. Mom cannot believe it has already been a month. You are slowly getting bigger. Your newborn pajamas are starting to get to short. You sleep very well during the day but we are up at least every two hours each night. You like to sleep on your right side and at night you sleep better snuggled up on mom or dads chest.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Visitors and Gifts

While in the hospital these are the people that came and visited us:
Grandma & Grandpa Beasley
Grandma & Grandpa Bushar

These are visitors at home and gifts that you received:
Scott & Selma: Old Navy stripped hoodie & dinner
Great Grandma Humes: Carrots, cookies, bear blanket & three onesies
Marie Fry: potatoes, meat & rolls
Hulse family (from the ward): diapers, wipes & a card
Lucinda & Tyler: newborn outfit (red, grey, black)
Grandma Bushar & DeAnn: 2 outfits, jacket & a small teddy bear
Aunt Sarah sent a card

Monday, November 26, 2012

Some more pictures

Grandma Beasley took a couple of pictures in the hospital.

 His poor little bruised face.

 Dad made this shirt for me and I wore it to work on Halloween.
This is the baby announcement that dad and I designed!!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

3 weeks

We had a busy week.
 On Sunday David had his first bath in the bath tub. It was short and he did ok.
 All wrapped up after the bath waiting for lotion and then to get dressed.
We had Stake Conference today. I broke one of my own rules and put David in pajamas for church. I never wanted any of my babies to wear pajamas to church but it was so much easier and right now his church clothes are to big. We attended Stake Conference in a local high school auditorium as are Stake is to big to fit in one building. It was actually split up between three churches and the high school. We sat by Aunt Marie and she held David most of the time.

On Tuesday the 20 David had his two week check up.It was a hard day for David. Here are his stats from that appointment: 6 lbs 3 oz 3%, 19.75 in 12%, 33.9 cm (head) 5%. Our little David really is little. His bruising on his face has dramatically improved. His pediatrician is worried about his weight. I was instructed that after I breast feed David that I need to hold him out where he is uncomfortable and bottle feed him at least one more ounce. Luckily I have been pumping so we don't have to add any formula. Hopefully this will help David to gain the weight that he needs to. He just gets to comfortable when I am feeding him and after a few swallows he falls asleep. After his two week exam it was time for his circumcision. Then we had to go to the lab and have his bili drawn and his second PKU done. His bili came back at 12.6. It's still not down where it should be but we don't have to have anymore labs unless he starts looking to yellow to me.

On Wednesday we went and visited Great Grandma Humes. She cooked us a yummy lunch and we had a nice visit. Tuesday night you only woke up twice to eat, it seems that bottle feeding you is helping!
Thursday was Thanksgiving, your first holiday. We spent the day at home and had our meal with just our family. You slept right thru and did not enjoy any of the food :(...well maybe you did after the fact :)
On Saturday we went over to visit Grandma Beasley and you got to meet Kayley and Michael. Kayley wanted to know why your hands were so small. She did not want to hold you and Michael really had no interest in you.
My sleeping Angel!!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Two Weeks Old

Things change so much in one week.
Sunday David had to have a bili lab drawn, the test came back with a level of 13.5. :) We are so happy that it is going down. Monday morning mom took David over to get his newborn pictures taken. They all turned out great, you were such a trooper. Then in the afternoon you had to have another bili lab drawn. We never did find out what the level was. This week you have become more alert and your cry has changed from its little squeak to a baby cry. Your face especially around your eyes and the whites of your eyes are still bruised. You sleep most of the day and though its getting easier its still a challenge to get you to eat. You still fall asleep after a few swallows of milk. You are such a good baby. You are not a fussy baby and you do not spit up. You are a hard baby to burp and you get the hiccups frequently. You don't mind the binkie which is a change from your siblings. Neither Christy or Treyven liked the binkie. They both preferred their fingers (Treyven sucks his thumb due to mom). You are so tiny, newborn clothes seem to drown you and we are still folding newborns diapers to fit you better. You have really long feet and long fingers.
 The worlds cutest little brother!
 He looks so tiny in his car seat. I never thought we would have to move the buckle part to the inside slot but with David that's where it has to be.
You can see the yellow bruising fairly well in this picture.

What a blessing you are to our family. We all love you so much!!! You are such a good and calm baby.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

One Week Old

 I can't believe that one week has already passed, and what an emotional week it has been. We checked out of the hospital Sunday evening with instructions to call the doctor if you had not had a bowel movement by noon on Monday, to get your bili level checked and see the doctor on Tuesday. Monday you had a poo diaper before noon so that was one item off the checklist. I was still very concerned that you were not staying awake long enough to eat and we were not changing enough wet diapers. Tuesday we went to the lab for your bili level, it came back at 14.1. We couldn't get an appointment till Wednesday so Dr. Walker called and said we needed to repeat the bili lab on Wednesday. Wednesday we went to your appointment with Dr. Walker your weight was down to 6 lbs and half an ounce. You also received your vitamin K shot. Then we went down to the lab for your bili lab. It came back at 16.4 so Dr. Walker said we needed to repeat it on Thursday. Mom was still having trouble getting you awake enough to eat so I have been pumping, you still are not having as many diapers changed as you should. Mom is really worried. Thursday we went to have you bili lab, it came back at 19.1 which is critical so a bilibed was ordered for you. Also today your umbilical cord fell off. Mom doesn't like the bili bed for the fact that you must stay in unless you are eating or being changed. It really affects bonding time but is so necessary for you. Friday you had another bili lab it came back at 17.5 :) Mom was so happy. Dr. Walker said that you still needed to be in the bed and on Sunday to have another bili lab drawn and depending on the results if you could come out of the bili bed. You are starting to eat better and mom has been changing more diapers. You look so much better as well. Before when mom looked at you she would cry because you looked so fragile and sick, not you look so much better though you still seem so fragile to mom. Newborn clothes are baggy on you and when you do up the diaper you have to overlap the sticky tabs to get it to fit you. Last night mom sat on the couch for over an hour trying to get you to eat. After the hour she put you in bed and you started fussing again so mom went and found the pacifier and put it on your mouth, you took to it right away. Christy and Treyven were never really interested in the binky, but you are so very different from your brother and sister.
Look at these handsome Bushar boys :)

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Happy Birthday Little one!

This morning I got up knowing that there were a million and one things that I needed to accomplish and I just wasn't feeling all that great. The yucky feeling started last night. So as dad and Christy worked in the yard today I sat on the couch with Treyven, watched TV, took a million baths and spent a LOT of time in the bathroom. I couldn't keep anything down. David called our neighbor and asked him to come over and help him give me a blessing. Around 8:30 in the evening I called the on call doctor line and left a message for the doctor to call me back. I was feeling severely dehydrated. Dr. Ott called me and told me to go into Labor Delivery and have them hook me up and give me two liters of fluids to hydrate me. So we called Grandma and Papa to come over to the house and be here with sleeping children and off David and I went to the hospital. We got there and around 9:20 they were hooking me up to an IV and the nurse checked to see how dilated I was. I was at a four. About the time that we got to the hospital I started to wonder if some of my pains were actually contractions. This became more clear as I lay on the hospital bed hooked to an IV. Quickly I dilated to a 6 and was moved from the triage room to a labor room and Dr. Ott was called to come in and deliver my baby. I went thru the dilation process quickly and declined an epidural. It was a quick labor but as I was in the moment it felt like it would never end and that I would not be able to push a baby out on my own. Dr. Ott and the nurses were amazing. They helped me to remain calm and focused. David Russell Bushar was born at 10:54pm!! Dad got to cut the cord. David was placed right on my chest so we could bond. I love that feeling when your baby is placed on your chest, it makes everything you just went thru disappear and you forget how painful and hard it was. David was having a little trouble with oxygen and was doing a lot of grunting. Two nurses from the NICU came in and did a breathing test and then David was placed back in my arms so I could nurse him. When I was done nursing he was fine, no more grunting and no more worries. David weighed in at 6 pounds 8 ounces and was 19 1/2 inches long. David was born face up and his poor face is all purple and bruised, even the whites of his eyes are bruised. Other than that he is perfect :) No visible birth marks and no obvious deformities. Later we were moved to a post partum room where we stayed until we were released.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Fabric, fabric, fabric

I got all this way cute dino fabric at Joann's grand opening sale today. I can't wait till I get to go to Amber's house and start making things for my new baby boy.