Saturday, November 17, 2012

Two Weeks Old

Things change so much in one week.
Sunday David had to have a bili lab drawn, the test came back with a level of 13.5. :) We are so happy that it is going down. Monday morning mom took David over to get his newborn pictures taken. They all turned out great, you were such a trooper. Then in the afternoon you had to have another bili lab drawn. We never did find out what the level was. This week you have become more alert and your cry has changed from its little squeak to a baby cry. Your face especially around your eyes and the whites of your eyes are still bruised. You sleep most of the day and though its getting easier its still a challenge to get you to eat. You still fall asleep after a few swallows of milk. You are such a good baby. You are not a fussy baby and you do not spit up. You are a hard baby to burp and you get the hiccups frequently. You don't mind the binkie which is a change from your siblings. Neither Christy or Treyven liked the binkie. They both preferred their fingers (Treyven sucks his thumb due to mom). You are so tiny, newborn clothes seem to drown you and we are still folding newborns diapers to fit you better. You have really long feet and long fingers.
 The worlds cutest little brother!
 He looks so tiny in his car seat. I never thought we would have to move the buckle part to the inside slot but with David that's where it has to be.
You can see the yellow bruising fairly well in this picture.

What a blessing you are to our family. We all love you so much!!! You are such a good and calm baby.

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