David bowling for the first time at Fat Cats in Ogden during the family reunion.

Before and after his hair cut :(

Playing with brother at the lake.

I can't enough express how much I love this little guy. He melts my heart. He still insists on having a binkie at bed time and he gets it if mom just can't take anymore whining. He likes to eat chicken nuggets, bananas, yogurt, eggs and cookies but this can change at a moments notice. He loves to throw things, small things, big things, hard things, soft things and more often than not he aims for your head. He likes to rip books and he loves to wrestle Treyven. He hates getting his bum changed but he lives hugs. We got rid if his crib so for now he sleeps on the crib mattress on the bedroom floor. Let's just say that it takes a while for him to actually fall asleep. He doesn't like wearing socks or shoes and shortly after they are put on he takes them off, he loves to be outside but he overheats quickly. He is just a ray of sunshine in our home and we love him.