Monday, December 23, 2013


So up until the past couple days you would only take between four and six steps by yourself before plopping down and crawling where you wanted to go. Now you are walking! Slow and steady but you get where you need to go by walking :) Only 13 1/2 months old, no biggie.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Life is so much fun with the baby!

 A while back during the summer it really rained. Of course we had to go out and play in it. The boys had so much fun and we were all soaked by the time we came in.
 Look at my sleepy boys. 
 More sleepy time. This time David was in mom and dads bed and he fell asleep laying on dad.
 Sunday's are hard with two little boys. This day we spent part of Sacrament meeting out on the Church steps.
 David was a Little Pumpkin for Halloween
 Happy Halloween
 David turned one. We had a dinosaur themed party. We had a great time. I can't believe that my little baby is one. Where does the time go.
 He has eight teeth all the way in and one just popping thru. He has six on the top, two and a half on the bottom. Such a happy baby even when he is teething!

We had a great snow storm here last week. We got close to eight inches. A record for this area. We had so much fun playing out in the snow. We built a snowman. David loved eating the snow. David had so much fun. He didn't complain at all. He even went over and gave Mr Snowman a hug!! We still have snow on the ground a week later.

In the last couple days David has started getting up into standing position on his own and taking a few steps. He lunges toward mom after a few steps. He is the baby that started walking the last of all my babies. David can pack away a lot of food. He eats more than Treyven most days. He has been completely off the bottle for about two months now. He stills likes his binkie. He is such a lovey baby. He hasn't learned how to give kisses but he loves to give hugs and he waves. Mom and dad are so in love with our little Bushar baby!!!!