Saturday, January 26, 2013

12 Weeks

This week we celebrated Dad's birthday. Once in a while I try to smile!
We also had an appointment and here are David's growth stats:
Weight: 11 lbs 1 oz
Height: 22 6/8 inches
Head: 15 2/8 inches

Saturday, January 19, 2013

11 weeks

 Look at our littlest guy all dressed up for church! 
My little sleeper.

This week David started wearing size one diapers. And he is starting to fit in more of his o-3 month clothes :)

Saturday, January 12, 2013

10 weeks

On Tuesday you had formula for the first time. All the milk that mom had frozen in the freezer is finally gone. Hopefully you won't have to have formula very often. We are in Pine Valley this weekend. Today we went sledding. You got to be held by mom or dad the whole time. The outfit that you are wearing in this picture is 0-3 months. You are starting to outgrow some of your newborn clothes :)

Thursday, January 3, 2013

2 Months Old!

Wow, look who is two months old!
I can't believe two months have already past since you were born. Today you went to the doctors for your two month check up.
Two month stats:
Weight: 9 lbs 5 oz, 6%
Height: 22.25 inches, 24% 
Head: 14.75 inches, 7%
You are growing!!!! You still don't sleep thru the night. You have started to coo and try to smile. But mom has yet to see and actual smile from you. You like to eat and spit up. You are still wearing your newborn size clothes and diapers.
We love you!!